Courses Taught

ECE 230L - Introduction to Microelectronic Devices and Circuits. The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to semiconductor materials, devices, and circuits that are relevant to microelectronics. Students will also participate in hands-on laboratory exercises related to microelectronic devices and circuits.

ECE 340L - Optics and Photonics. This goal of this course is to introduce optics and photonics at the undergraduate level. The course content includes wave optics, electromagnetic optics, light in matter, ray optics, Fourier optics, Gaussian optics, and light detection. Fundamental optical instruments are also discussed, including lenses, polarizers, interferometers, and spectrometers. Laboratory experiments apply concepts learned in lectures.

ECE 341L - Solar Cells. The goal of this course is to provide a broad overview of solar cells, including solar radiation, device theory, materials options, device fabrication and characterization, and system-level issues. Students will also participate in hands-on laboratory exercises related to the fabrication and characterization of organic, photovoltaic solar cells.

ECE 521 - Quantum Mechanics. The goal of this course is to provide a fundamental introduction to the postulates, formalism, and application of quantum mechanics.  Particular attention will be paid to the relevance of quantum mechanics to current research topics in electrical engineering, especially related to semiconductor materials and devices.

ECE 546 - Optoelectronic Devices. The goal of this course is to introduce, at the senior undergraduate and first-year graduate levels, the semiconductor devices that depend on the interaction of electrons and photons.  These devices include light-emitting diodes, diode lasers, photodetectors, and modulators.